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Week 5 - A "Dispersed", Boondocking, Dry Camping, Off-the-Grid Week

According to Ruby's milometer we have now travelled over 4000 miles

This week we did 3 separate mountain passes over 8500 feet the last one on the Colorado Utah border was particularly challenging, but Ruby & Big-Al came out of it relatively unscathed. The main difference this week was that we camped without access to water, electricity or (we can hear our kids gasp) internet.

Friday 6th - Rodeo Night

This was our first ever Rodeo, we had great seats above where they get on their bucking beasts before being released into the ring. Lots of roping steers, riding around barrels, all sexes all ages. The Rodeo Clowns are fearless. During the show the winds got over 50 miles per hour – but the show continued – seems to be an every day occurrence in Cody.


Rand Creek Ranch for a 2 hour trail ride with Sam and Riley. Sam and Riley are working at the ranch and have deferred law school and other further education and enjoying the outdoors. We had a great 7 mile trail ride, my horse Stetson was a little sluggish and once he realized I was not letting him lead he gave in and decided to giddy up. We rode up and up and came across a herd of cattle, a young bull was thinking about charging and my brilliant wranglers Sam & Riley protected Stetson and me. I thought I would be sore after two hours and amazingly after a quick shower and a beer was ready for a steak.

Our Park Hosts recommended a restaurant known mainly to locals. The Rowdy Uncle was playing at the Yellowstone Cutthroat Restaurant, great trio. The food was delicious and all was well until we noticed an older gentleman cowboy all dressed up with a handgun tucked into the waistband of his belted jeans. Who or what was going to attack him in a $$$$ restaurant – hey ho, we are not in SF anymore!


Unfortunately, our showers blew up the grey water tank and its leaking big time. Luckily as a back up we have a plastic grey water wheelie tank and this will be hooked up every time we stop and are boondocking/dry camping. Peter is a little sad as he spent a lot of time under the belly pan trying to secure all the old plumbing, Big Al (our airstreams) has had many plumbers since 1957 and at some point, probably when we are in the UK, Big Al will have a plumbing overall. We hiked around the lake a little and then provisioned for our next 7 days.


We got up early and went into Cody for a little Wifi action at Rawhide Coffee great coffee shop and bakery. From here we drove back through the East Entrance and down towards the South Entrance, the scenery is amazing the lava rock/chimneys and gorges at this one hairpin bend “Cubs Creek” we saw lots of cars pulled over and doing U-turns, as we rounded the bend tucked in the lush green grass was a grizzly mummy bear and her cub probably 1 yrs. Unfortunately, no photo as we couldn’t safely pull over or turn around with the trailer – you are going to have to take a word for it, I saw the grizzly hump!

No traffic on the road to the south entrance and to Jackson Hole, which is a relief. We arrived at our Harvest Host for the night Jackson Hole Stillworks, we had a tour of the still, Peter had lots of questions as it reminded him of his High School chemistry days and creating his own still.

We tasted Vodka, Gin and Barrel Aged Gin, which was the color of whiskey and was gin forward and whiskey finish.

After the tasting we had a alco-slushie, so many people were stopping by to purchase these. That evening as I was cooking supper we heard some voices and it was Billy and his two dogs, we met Billy at a Harvest Host Blueberry Farm on the Montana Border, such a small travelling world.

It was funny seeing Jackson after all of these years - the same places are still there. The last time we were here was skiing at Jackson Hole in Feb 1994 with our friend Kate

Tuesday 10th – Colter Bay Campground, Tetons National Park

Glacier was WOW! Yellowstone had a different slow and rolling WOW! And now the Tetons – these are mountain monuments and WOW! We couldn’t stop taking photos as the striking difference between the flat grassy lowlands, and the infamous Snake River (River Wild – Meryl Street & Kevin Bacon) with the backdrop of craggy monumental mountains and oh….the light on the mountains, did I say they are AWESOME!! Loads of Teton photos below:


We left the Tetons for Buckboard Crossing State Park and Reservoir, a sage bush desert, hot no shade and deer bouncing through the sage like Tigger in Winnie the Pooh. Nice desolate spot though with loos and free showers. Could not believe the signs on the Loo doors, “Keep an eye out for Rattlesnakes”, OK a new scary nature thang and unfortunately my bear bell will not work on rattlesnakes so I stomp through the campground like a mad woman and check each loo stall….bears seem a little less frightening to sneaky slithering snakes. Peter went off for a quick cycle ride and no iced blended latte’s or ice teas, so its water and more water.


We managed fix the awning that we pulled out too aggressively wanting instant shade when we arrived. We then had breakfast and a fantastic shower and still no rattlesnakes. We left for BLM (Bureau Land Management) land for our overnight spot between Rangely CO and Loma CO.

The winding roads to across state lines from Wyoming, Utah and then into Colorado in one trip was amazing. We definitely were ready for a cold beer when we stopped. Great free spot, with views of mountain sandstone and Pictographs, the night sky was unreal and the Milk Way was so clear. A little unnerving being the only vehicle but we both managed to get to sleep.

Friday 13th

We left our free night spot to drive back into Utah for Moab, and the Arches National Park, we are now parked in a KOA with wifi, showers and laundry – we are in civilization again! The scenery on this drive again from flat sage bush to 8500 ft high mountain roads with hairpin bends or as they say in the USA switchbacks, loves this word and 8-10 % gradient for the next 10 miles with switchbacks. Peter is breaking with his feet and the handheld brake that talks via RF to the trailer breaking system, I am also breaking and pushing myself through the front seat to the seat behind – well almost 😊.

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